time and case load management communicating across language barriers family law in depth

Migrant Rights and Obligations

This course covers the entitlements and responsibilities of various categories of immigrants in Ireland. It is suitable for either the migrants themselves or for frontline and support staff working with migrants and their families.

Aim: To understand migrant entitlements / responsibilities

On completion participants will be able to:

  • Outline requirements for registration with the Garda National Immigration Bureau
  • Understand the different categories of migrant and types of ‘permission to remain’
  • Explain rights and responsibilities for each category
  • Define the functions of key players in the immigration arena (Government, Statutory and NGO)
  • Explain current rules regarding work permits, green cards, entry visas, permission to remain etc
  • Advise regarding access to housing, employment rights, education and family reunification
  • Synopsise the path to long-term residency / citizenship
  • Refer to relevant advisory and information agencies.

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Coming Up

A Public Information Presentation entitled ‘Making a Will won’t kill you’ is to take place in Beara, County Cork at Eyeries National School at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23 February 2016. Hosted by Eyeries NS Parents’ Association and delivered by Anne O’Carroll of Cascade Training Consultancy, this jargon-free presentation gives practical tips on how to make a will, what happens if you don’t and how best to provide for your loved ones, avail of tax breaks and ensure peace of mind. This event is a fund-raiser for the school and is open to all, but parents of young children or other dependents are particularly encouraged to attend. There will be a Question & Answer session afterwards and handouts will be provided.

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Department of Social and Family Affairs

Opens our minds to problems and reminds us to slow down.


I found our two instructors were very informative in a relaxed atmosphere. They kept our attention throughout the day.


An informative and valuable course for all grades, and can help in our everyday life both in and out of the office. A non-‘stuffy’ course. Made us feel at ease.


We are dealing with more and more people who have a poor command of the English language. The course helps to convey to you how customers may feel. Helps you to choose your words more carefully or simply, and deal with stress.


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