When can you deliver training and presentations?

Training courses usually take place during office hours.

Half-day courses and Presentations can be delivered morning, afternoon or evening depending on clients’ needs.

Full-day courses usually run from 10am-4pm or 9.30am-4.30pm.

Cascade has a flexible approach, recognising the special needs of many sectors and training can be delivered at other hours to suit shift workers, during traditional holiday periods or at weekends if necessary.

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Coming Up

A Public Information Presentation entitled ‘Making a Will won’t kill you’ is to take place in Beara, County Cork at Eyeries National School at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23 February 2016. Hosted by Eyeries NS Parents’ Association and delivered by Anne O’Carroll of Cascade Training Consultancy, this jargon-free presentation gives practical tips on how to make a will, what happens if you don’t and how best to provide for your loved ones, avail of tax breaks and ensure peace of mind. This event is a fund-raiser for the school and is open to all, but parents of young children or other dependents are particularly encouraged to attend. There will be a Question & Answer session afterwards and handouts will be provided.

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Making a Will for Families with Special Needs or Disabled - Longford

Covered everything that I wanted. I enjoyed her clear, distinct delivery.

Wonderful speaker – right amount of jollity! Will revisit my Will tomorrow.

Very informative. Great humorous presentation and time flew by.

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